Choreography Instructions for RWP54321

The dancer enters from stage right and touches their left hand to the right side of their face, then turns suddenly to look behind. After pausing, the dancer reaches quickly in the opposite direction and begins a pulsing motif which lasts for eight counts. Changing levels the dancer travels in a gradual arc with intermittent halting, tense moments. Resolving at a neutral position, the dancer pauses and makes four subtle gestures. This set of gestures is repeated five times with varied intensity ending in a stylized and uncomfortable shape. Holding this shape the dancer begins to turn. In turning the shape morphs. The dancer travels from stage left to stage right, turns to face upstage and exits stage left. PLEASE READ GUIDELINES BELOW:

Suggested Guidelines for RWP54321

1. Suggested length: 2-5 minutes
2. Publish video to Web (i.e. Blip TV, Youtube)
3. Video title and tags must include: "RWP54321"
4 . Silence or original music/audio accompaniment encouraged
5. If possible incorporate colors purple and/or green in setting, costumes, etc.
6. Choreography is written for a soloist, but can be multiplied or manipulated for any number of dancers.
7. Please email your link to

Thursday, July 2, 2009

RETTOCAMME Web Project - Overview

This project is open to any choreographer willing to participate in a world-wide social and artistic collaborative experiment. It is an invitation to make a short dance piece for video or re-configure an existing video using the RWP54321 formula. There are no deadlines, submission fees, artist statements or work samples required. The CHOREOGRAPHY INSTRUCTIONS can be found on the right hand column of the blog and there are also few SUGGESTED GUIDELINES which are open to artistic license but designed to help make the project a success. The intention of this project is to use the often isolating media tools of our time to engage the community in shared observations of the collective unconscious. There are no winners or awards, but opportunities for personal discovery and networking. This concept is purely an artistic experiment designed for investigative purposes by Emma Cotter. Emma Cotter/RETTOCAMME will not take artistic credit for specific works created for the project by other artists and has no intention of using the videos created for this project for any monetary gain. If you have any questions or concerns after reading the Guidelines and Instructions, please email and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Looking forward to seeing your work!


  1. We all LOVE EMMA!!!! Yay!!! GO EMMA!!!! Great idea!

  2. Hi,When you hire a web designer, he/she first of all learns about the clients' requirements before starting the Web Design Cochin work and make sure that client is timely informed about the project process and progress. Thanks...........


About Me

Brooklyn, NY, United States
The RETTOCAMME Web Project: RWP54321 is dedicated to the memories of choreographers Pina Bausch and Merce Cunningham who both passed in the month of it's conception. RETTOCAMME is a process oriented Dance/Art/Design group based in Brooklyn, NY and founded by Emma Cotter in 2003.